10-Week Evaluation
Ablobalypse » Devlog
This post marks the 10-week milestone of this project. By this point I have completed a single-level demo of the game.
- Working final game
- Main menu + one game level
- Pausing / unpausing
- Track high scores
- Game mechanics
- Choice engine
- Powerups
- Scoring system
- Game design
- Progression playtested and tuned with multiple people
- Optimized level layout for AI (multiple iterations of level design)
- Art + music + sound
- Composed one track
- Sound effects for everything
- Procedural art effects
- Main menu + one game level
- Devblog
- 13 total posts
- Some CSS
Good things:
- I’ve written some decent documentation.
- I managed to get some art and music despite having limited facilities in both.
- It’s really fun!
Bad things:
- I was in a bit of a rush and could have written better documentation.
- I did not use version control, and thus ran into a few bumps which could have been resolved in seconds with proper version control set up.
- I can’t build the game! There’s some weird licensing issue which doesn’t allow me to actually build an executable.
Immediate Next Steps:
- Complete devblog front-end and make website for advertisement
- Created detailed documentation on certain aspects for public reference
- Figure out how to build the game
Long-Term Next Steps:
- Make a trailer
- Improve music track
- Add modes
- More difficulties
- Multiplayer
- Kickstarter campagin
A choice-based arcade platformer.
More posts
- The Devblog ArchivesApr 30, 2020
- Day Five - Art and Music (and Playtesting)Apr 30, 2020
- Day FourApr 30, 2020
- Day Three - Implementing ChoicesApr 30, 2020
- Day Two - Choice Engine, Splatter Effect, Animations, and ABLOBALYPSEApr 30, 2020
- Day One - Basic MechanicsApr 30, 2020
- Nov 10 Status UpdateApr 30, 2020
- 5-Week EvaluationApr 30, 2020
- Development Snapshot (October 9th, 2017)Apr 30, 2020